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UnderBlock™ Rubber Floor Underlayment

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UnderBlock™ Rubber Flooring Underlayment

It's a bird! It's a plane! No... it's UnderBlock! UnderBlock is a recycled rubber underlayment that will give a wedgie to footfall noise and a giant uppercut to airborne noise passing through your floor-ceiling assembly. Upgrade your floor soundproofing with a cost-effective, long-lasting, and easy to install underlayment!



  • Rubber underlayment excels at reducing impact noise, airborne noise, and vibration
  • 90% recycled rubber
  • ASTM tested to an IIC of 51 to 67 depending on the floor-ceiling assembly (data below)
  • Compatible with just about any floor finish and assembly
  • LEED eligible recycled materials
  • Easy roll out installation
  • Proudly made in the USA



 Dimensions   4' x 50 (2mm)
 4' x 25' (5mm)
 4' x 15' (10mm and 12mm) 
 Thickness   2mm, 5mm, 10mm, 12mm 
 Weight   75 lbs (2mm)
 85 lbs (5mm)
 100 lbs (10mm)
 120 lbs (12mm) 
 Color   Black 
 LEED Certified   Eligible (90% recycled, made in USA) 
 R-value   2.0 per inch




 Spec Sheet 

 UnderBlock™ Product Sheet 

 Install Guide

 UnderBlock™ Install Guide 

 Architect CSI Specs 

 UnderBlock™ CSI Spec



Material Testing

6" Concrete Slab - Lab Testing

 Finished Floor 


 STC Rating* 

 IIC Rating* 

 HIIC Rating* 

 Click-Lock LVT   None   50-53   56-57   59-66 
 Click-Lock LVT   Wire Hung, R-13, 5/8" Gypsum 60-61  65-67   69-77 
 Engineered Wood   None  50-55    54-55    56-64 
 Engineered Wood   Wire Hung, R-13, 5/8" Gypsum  60-62   64-66   66-76 
 Ceramic Tile (2mm only)   None 52 50 50
 Ceramic Tile (2mm only)  Wire Hung, R-13, 5/8" Gypsum  61  59  58

*Exact STC, IIC, and HIIC rating depends on UnderBlock thickness (2mm, 5mm, 10mm, or 12mm).


8" Concrete Slab - Lab Testing

 Finished Floor 


 STC Rating* 

 IIC Rating* 

 HIIC Rating* 

 Click-Lock LVT   None   53-56   55-61   55-69 
 Click-Lock LVT   Wire Hung, R-13, 5/8" Gypsum 62-63  66-69   68-78 
 Engineered Wood   None  55-56    57-58    58-65 
 Engineered Wood   Wire Hung, R-13, 5/8" Gypsum  62-63   66-67   68-76 
 Ceramic Tile (2mm only)   None 55 51 50
 Ceramic Tile (2mm only)  Wire Hung, R-13, 5/8" Gypsum  61  60  60

*Exact STC, IIC, and HIIC rating depends on UnderBlock thickness (2mm, 5mm, 10mm, or 12mm).


18" Open Web Truss - Lab Testing

 Finished Floor 


 STC Rating* 

 IIC Rating* 

 HIIC Rating* 

 Click-Lock LVT   R-13, RC Deluxe, 5/8" Gypsum   61-62   56-60   67-73 
 Engineered Wood   R-13, RC Deluxe, 5/8" Gypsum   60-61   57-60   63-71 
 Ceramic Tile (2mm only)   R-13, RC Deluxe, 5/8" Gypsum  61  55  58

*Exact STC, IIC, and HIIC rating depends on UnderBlock thickness (2mm, 5mm, 10mm, or 12mm).


2x10 Joists w/ USG Levelrock 2500 over 3/4" OSB - Lab Testing

 Finished Floor 


 STC Rating* 

 IIC Rating* 

 HIIC Rating* 

 Click-Lock LVT   R-13, RC Deluxe, 5/8" Gypsum   59-60   55-59   57-68 
 Engineered Wood   R-13, RC Deluxe, 5/8" Gypsum   59-60   56-60   60-66 
 Ceramic Tile (2mm only)   R-13, RC Deluxe, 5/8" Gypsum  61  50  50 

*Exact STC, IIC, and HIIC rating depends on UnderBlock thickness (2mm, 5mm, 10mm, or 12mm).


If you have questions on your floor-ceiling assembly, please contact us at 1-800-679-8511.




Installation Instructions

  • Roll out UnderBlock to cover the subfloor. Using an adhesive is optional.
  • Use a metal straight edge to make any cuts with a sharp utility knife.
  • Leave a 1/8" gap between UnderBlock and any obstacles (walls, columns, posts, drains, pipes, etc). Fill this gap with acoustic sealant caulk.
  • For perimeter walls, you can run UnderBlock directly to or under the wall instead of leaving the 1/8" gap and sealing it.
  • Roll out the UnderBlock™ in rows, keeping the factory seams tight and flush. If the seams are flush, acoustic sealant is not needed. Joints and seams can be taped if desired.
  • Install your chosen flooring on top of UnderBlock rubber flooring underlayment. For ceramic tile or sheet vinyl flooring, use 2mm UnderBlock™ or install an additional wood layer over thicker UnderBlock™ rubber underlayment.

If you have any questions about your type of flooring for your project, call us and we can walk you through it!

  • Floating floors do not require additional adhesive. They just lay on top of UnderBlock.
  • Mechanically fastened floors (nail down) should have a subfloor glued to the top of UnderBlock. DO NOT NAIL THROUGH RUBBER UNDERLAYMENT! Use our recommended rubber adhesive when required.
  • Glue down floors should use whatever adhesive is recommended by the flooring manufacturer that is compatible with attaching to rubber.
  • When installing under carpet, UnderBlock should be cover the subfloor completely, leaving a 1/8" gap near obstacles to be filled with acoustical sealant. Tacking strips can be glued down to UnderBlock using our recommended rubber adhesive. Carpet padding is optional.


Common Product Uses

  • Homes, apartments, home studios, recording studios, condos, hotels, conference rooms, offices, music practice rooms, band rooms, houses of worship, hospitals, malls, retail stores, theaters, schools, restaurants, and bars
  • If you've got a floor, install UnderBlock to soundproof it. UnderBlock rubber underlayment stops all impact noise while also blocking airborne noise.
  • For heated floors, select a thinner version of UnderBlock for impact noise reduction with minimal thermal resistance.
  • Soundproofing the floor is one way to soundproof a floor-ceiling assembly. Alternatively, you can soundproof the ceiling side.
  • For a complete project, soundproofing your wallssoundproofing your doors, and soundproofing your windows are necessary for building a fully soundproof room.


Contact us if you have any questions!