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Acoustical Sealant Caulk

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Acoustic Sealant Caulk

Acoustical sealant is the final step for achieving an air-tight seal for any soundproofing project! It's rated against mold, mildew, and flame spread. Use Acoustic Sealant Caulk to seal nook, cranny, or crevice to boost your STC rating!



  • Latex-based, permanently flexible acrylic polymer used to seal gaps and improve sound ratings
  • Improve STC ratings in wall constructions
  • Adheres to wood, metal, concrete, gypsum board, and most other building substrates
  • Environmentally safe formula packaged in post-consumer recycled material
  • Working time: 10-15 minutes
  • AMOUNT NEEDED: 1 case of acoustical sealant will do an estimated 3000 sq ft of room, assuming a 1/4" bead and 1 layer of drywall (1032 LF)




 Size   28oz/tube 
 1 case (12 tubes) 
 Linear Feet per Tube   1/8" bead - 343 LF 
 1/4" bead - 86 LF 
 1/2" bead - 21 LF 
 Color   White
 Weight   12.8 lbs/Gal
 Temperature Rating   40°F to 100°F 
 Shelf Life   2 years



Material Testing 


STC Ratings from (ASTM C919)

 Drywall Finish  STC   Details 
 No Caulk  29   Uncaulked edges will result in sound leakage 
 Singie bead at the perimeter of one base layer  49   Partial sealing results in sound leakage along the top layers 
 Two beads, one under each base layer of gypsum board   53  Sealing all layers results in the best STC performance 



Installation Instructions

  • Apply to dry, clean surfaces that are free of grease and oils
  • Cartridge applied with a caulk gun
  • Coverage depends on size of the bead. 1/8" bead (343 ft), 1/4" bead (86 ft), 3/8" bead (38 ft), 1/2" bead (21 ft)
  • Clean with water while the caulk is wet. Scrape off dried caulk with a putty knife.
  • Do not apply outside if rain is expected within 12 hours. Not intended for underwater use.



Common Product Uses

  • Acoustical sealant is absolutely key for almost any architectural soundproofing project. Learn more about how to soundproof any room.
  • Around any penetrations or cutouts in gypsum board
  • Make sure your walls are soundproof by sealing around the perimeter (unsealed residential wall STC rating 30-32; sealed residential wall STC rating up to 38)
  • When soundproofing a ceiling, you must seal around the perimeter of your 5/8" gypsum
  • If you lay down a soundproof subfloor, use sealant to seal around gaps and seams and around the perimeter of the flooring
  • Repair cracks and seal gaps in rattling drywall and plaster
  • Anywhere you have a seam that needs to be sealed


Contact us for any questions!