
Refrigerator Soundproofing Kit

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Refrigerator Soundproofing Kit

Is your refrigerator driving you crazy with how loud it is? Reduce fridge compressor noise by up to 40% with CelluZorbe™, our budget and eco-friendly acoustic panel made from recycled cellulose fibers (mostly old newspapers!). There isn't a greener, most cost-effective way to make your fridge quieter! Reduced noise and peace of mind are just an easy project away!

Refrigerator Noise Reduction Kit Options

 Kit Selection  Expected Noise Reduction   
 1" CelluZorbe™ Kits   3-5 decibels (20-30% of perceived noise) 
 2" CelluZorbe™ Kits   4-7 decibels (30-40% of perceived noise) 


Which kit should you choose? We recommend the 2" thick CelluZorbe as long as you have the space. Most motors are making a good bit of low frequency noise, which is best absorbed by 2" thick material.


What's in the Refrigerator Noise Reduction Kit?

 Small Fridge Kit   Medium/Large Fridge Kit 
  •  (2) sheets of CelluZorbe™ 
  •  (1) can of P329 Spray Adhesive 
  •  (3) sheets of CelluZorbe™ 
  •  (1) can of P329 Spray Adhesive 



  • Reduce refrigerator compressor noise by absorbing sound bouncing off the wall behind your fridge
  • 4 kit options based on the size of the refrigerator and space behind it
  • Quick and easy application with the included P329 Spray Adhesive (22 oz can)
  • Proudly made in the USA



 Spec Sheet   CelluZorbe™ Spec Sheet 
 Install Guide   CelluZorbe™ Spray Adhesive Install Guide 


Material Testing

Noise Reduction Coefficient

 Frequency (Hz)  125   250   500   1000   2000   4000   NRC 
 1" CelluZorbe™ Cellulose Panel   0.09   0.26   0.84   1.05   1.05   1.05   0.80 
 2" CelluZorbe™ Cellulose Panel   0.39  0.63  1.18  1.11  1.06  1.09  1.00






Installation Instructions

  • Decide how much area behind the refrigerator you plan to cover. We recommend as close to 100% coverage as possible to reduce fridge compressor noise.
  • Apply spray adhesive (included in kit) to both the acoustic panel and the application surface with 80%+ coverage. Allow 2 minutes to tack up.
  • Press firmly to adhere the panel to the wall.
    • Each can of spray adhesive will do 25 sq ft with a 2-sided application.
  • If cutting is needed, use a utility knife. You may need to switch blades after several cuts.
  • Do not install the panel so that it is sealing the opening where the motor is. There should be enough room for airflow behind your refrigerator.


Care and Maintenance Instructions

  • Remove any accumulation of dust and dirt with a soft brush attachment on a vacuum cleaner.
    • Use vacuum attachments with at least 1” soft bristles to avoid damaging the panel.
  • Can also be brushed off with a soft-bristle brush or blown gently with compressed air.
  • Dirt can also be removed with a dry sponge, a damp, white cloth, or similar product.
  • Use Resolve® or Spot Shot® carpet cleaners to remove heavy soiling or staining, as directed.
    • First, do a test spot on a small or hidden area of the panel.
    • Allow the test area to dry completely and look for any discoloration.