
What is a Vibration Damping Material?

What is a Vibration Damping Material?

Author: Sturgeon Christie

Last Updated: February 9, 2024

Read Time: 4 Minutes


Sturgeon Christie

Last Updated:

February 9, 2024

Read Time:

4 Minutes

Author: Sturgeon Christie

Updated: Feb. 9, 2024

Read Time: 4 Minutes

Vibration damping material is used to eliminate structural noise and energy from a system. By damping the vibrations in a system, the material acts as a shock absorber – resisting the substrate as it flexes and returns to neutral when energy passes through its structure. That resistance sucks the energy out of the system as low level heat, instead of allowing it to the be transmitted. When the movements stop, the noise stops.

If learning is your thing, we go into more detail in our What is Damping article.

Types of vibration damping material

Our vibration damping materials were originally formulated as auto sound dampening solutions to stop vibrations in cars. The first is our Damplifier line of sound deadening mat, which we offer in several standard sizes and thicknesses. The second is our liquid sound deadener, Spectrum.

    1. Damplifier Pro – This peel and stick, viscoelastic constraint layer damper is easy to apply. Just remove the paper backing and roll on with a hand roller to bond it to the substrate (typically metal or fiberglass). We also have a lightweight version (Damplifier) and a smaller Damplifier Pro CLD tile. It’s been over 20 years, and we have yet to test a material that performs as well as Damplifier Pro for NVH reduction.
    2. Spectrum – This liquid deadener can be used as a sound deadening spray or brushed on with a roller. Apply it in 1mm layers to the recommended thickness of 2-3mm. At 3mm, it will actually perform as well as Damplifier Pro – although you can go up to 5mm of total thickness. If you’d rather apply with your gloved hand or a trowel, the Spectrum Sludge version comes with an activator that increases viscosity from like chocolate syrup to more like peanut butter.

We also have a variety of other soundproofing materials that are effective for structural noise, mostly used for sound isolation. OverKill Pro is a rubber infused closed cell foam, and then we also have several pure rubber products (like UnderBlock rubber flooring underlayment). Contact us for more details!

Industries using second skin vibration damping

Second Skin Audio has over 20 years of experience in vibration and noise control. Bring us your problem, and we’ll help you fix it!

Automotive and other vehicles: Used in both the OEM and aftermarket automotive industry to stop structural and airborne noise. Whether it’s a classic car, a boat, or a van conversion, we the materials and knowhow to customize the right solution for any vehicle.

Robotics and other machinery: Second Skin vibration damping material are used to control noise in a variety of robotics applications as well as loud machines – both large and small.

Residential and commercial construction: Our materials are used to damp vibrational energy like when reducing HVAC noise, soundproofing a generator, and soundproofing a sink. We even have isolation materials like our sound dampening underlayment that we use to reduce structural noise through a floor.

Whatever the reason you’re looking for vibration damping material, we have a huge variety of options to control noise and vibrational energy. The experts at Second Skin are standing by to help you solve your problem!

Recommended Product

Damplifier Pro™ Deadening Mats

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