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Damplifier™ Deadening Mats

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0Sq Ft
How do I get exact square footage?
  1. Get a tape measurer
  2. Measure the length and width of each surface
  3. Length x Width = Square Footage

Damplifier Sound Deadening Mat

Damplifier sound deadening mats were designed to be the highest performing sound dampening material relative to weight added to a vehicle. With premium butyl rubber, a thicker foil constraint layer, and comparable overall thickness to other top brands’ flagship product, Damplifier premium butyl mats are the best value on the market. 



  • High temperature butyl rubber adhesive – insist on more rubber and less filler!
  • Ultra-thick, annealed black foil with a ghosted logo
  • 1mm total thickness (40 mils)
  • Each sheet is 12” x 24” (2 sq ft) and weighs about 0.35 lbs / sq ft
  • Thermal range: -75 F to 450 F – will not melt, out gas, or fall off
  • NEVER USES cheap filler materials, asphalt, flimsy foil, and other shortcuts that hurt product performance
  • Guaranteed adhesion to metal for the LIFE of your vehicle
  • Proudly made in the USA 




 Dimensions  12" x 24" (2 sq ft)
 Thickness  1mm (40 mils)
 Weight   0.35 lbs per sq ft
 Foil Constraint Layer   Black, annealed foil w/ ghosted logo 
 Max Temperature Rating   450°F
 Adhesion   Guaranteed
 Apply To  Metal or fiberglass




 Install Guide   Damplifier Install Guide  



Material Testing 

 Tested Properties   Testing Method   Performance 
 Fire Rating    Self Extinguishing 
 Salt Spray Aging   ASTM B117 (250 hours)   Pass
 Heat Aging  190°F (250 hours)   Pass 
 Humidity Aging   100°F/100RH (250 hours)   Pass 
 Environmental Cycle Aging   250 hours   Pass 
 Sag Test   400°F (4 hours)   No Movement 
 Cold Slam Test (Ford Motors)   -40°F (4 hours)   Pass (6 slams) 



Installation Instructions 

  1. Remove plastic panels, upholstery, and insulation to expose bare sheet metal.
  2. Remove debris, rust, and waxy oils. Clean surface with denatured alcohol (NOT a degreaser).
  3. Cut sound deadening material using a utility knife - either freehand or using a template. We recommend wearing gloves.
  4. Remove wax paper backing. Stick tacky butyl adhesive to metal surface. 
  5. Use a Wooden Hand Roller to roll out any air pockets and create a permanent bond. A better bond further increases performance.
  6. Combine with a second layer like Luxury Liner Pro for unmatched car sound proofing. Luxury Liner Pro is our best automotive mlv car noise barrier.

For more pro tips, check out our article on how to apply sound deadening, our Video Library, or the Damplifier Install Guide.



Common Product Uses

  • Damplifier is our preferred sound deadening mat when weight or cost are a concern. It provided unmatched vibration damping per pound of weight added.
  • Automotive: commercial automotive, van conversions, high performance vehicles, electric vehicles
  • Residential: generator boxes, computer tower walls, screen doors, dishwasher enclosures, or a quiet stainless steel kitchen sink
  • Commercial/Industrial: robotics equipment and other machinery, metal furniture, coin counting machines, HVAC ducts and units, metal carts in warehouses and hospitals, military applications