
Spectrum Install Steps

Spectrum Install Steps

Get all the tips and guides to ensure you install like a pro.

Author: Eric Dellolio

Last Updated: February 9, 2024

Read Time: 5 Minutes

Spectrum Install Steps

Get all the tips and guides to turn you into an installation pro.


Eric Dellolio

Last Updated:

February 9, 2024

Read Time:

5 Minutes

Author: Eric Dellolio

Updated: Feb. 9, 2024

Read Time: 5 Minutes


  • High-heat, water-based viscoelastic polymer that can be sprayed, brushed, or rolled on
  • Reduces structural noise due to vibrations and thermally insulates your vehicle
  • Spectrum is the consistency of chocolate syrup. Spectrum Sludge is the consistency of peanut butter.

where to install

Automotive: Doors, floor, firewall, trunk, hood, roof, undercarriage, wheel wells

Home: Generator boxes, screen doors, kitchen sinks, metal furniture, HVAC ducts, metal carts, subwoofer boxes

Recommended Tools

  • Spray Gun: Second Skin Spray Gun and bottle or an HVLP gun. The nozzle must be 2mm wide to spray sound deadening particles.
  • Compressor: Recommended specs are 5-6.5 cfm, 50-80 psi, and at least a 6 gallon tank.
  • Spectrum can also be applied using a paint brush or a roller.
  • If using the Sludge activator, the easiest application methods are with a gloved hand or a trowel. Stir the activator into Spectrum with a paddle mixer or by hand.


  • Coverage Needed: 100% coverage of 1mm layers to a total thickness of 2-3mm
  • 1mm is about as thick as a credit card. 2mm is a little bit thicker than a quarter.
  • Apply 1mm at a time until you reach the desired thickness. The maximum total effective thickness is 5mm.
  • Spectrum is designed to stick to metal but will adhere to most anything except glossy or high-wax surfaces. These surfaces will require scuffing and a primer (we recommend POR-15). Self-etching primer required for plastic and fiberglass.
  • A mask is not required for Spectrum sound deadening spray (water-based with minimal overspray), but it is recommended.
  • Hold the spray gun 4-8 inches from the surface and apply with a slow sweeping motion.
  • The temperature must be above 50°F for the entire 24 hours cure period after applying Spectrum. Dry times increase with low temperatures and high humidity. If you expect longer than usual dry times, we recommend thinner layers (0.5mm instead of 1mm) to the same total thickness.
  • Spectrum's deadening performance will continue to improve over the course of the 7 day cure cycle. There's an especially big increase in the first 48 hours.


Advice on Spectrum's Dry Time and Application Strategies
  • Three factors impact how long it takes for Spectrum to dry: (1) temperature (2) humidity (3) thickness applied
  • The ambient temperature should be at least 50°F for the first 24 hours after application. The higher the temperature, the faster Spectrum will dry. Dry speed improves substantially as temperatures are above 70°F.
  • We do not recommend that you apply targeted heat to Spectrum. To help Spectrum dry faster, increase the overall temperature in your garage or roll the vehicle out into the sun.
  • A high humidity will increase the expected dry time. The worst combination is low temperature AND high humidity.
  • If worried about time-to-dry, apply in thinner layers - especially the first coat. Getting the base coat right is key for proper adhesion, as you can often be a bit more aggressive on subsequent coats. Spectrum adheres very well to itself.
  • As Spectrum dries, its color changes from dark blue to black. Once you can touch Spectrum with your finger without residue, you're in the clear for the next coat.
  • Wait 24-36 hours before installing another product or upholstery on top of Spectrum.
  • Spectrum can be painted, but you must wait for it to completely cure. Wait 7-10 days before painting or covering with a bed liner.
Advice on a Clean Install and Easy Cleanup
  • The Second Skin spray gun comes with two tubes that are screwed into the middle of the circular area where the bottle screws into the gun. The longer tube (7.25") is used if the spray gun will be held right-side up. The shorter tube (3.25") is for applications where the gun is held upside down.
  • Use a spray gun with a 2mm nozzle to spray Spectrum. The Second Skin spray gun or another undercoating gun with the same wide nozzle is needed to spray the dense polymers.
  • Always mask off any surfaces to protect them from any overspray using a product like the Second Skin PlastiWrap.
  • Use Wire Tape for a professional looking Spectrum install. The clean edges look fantastic after the wire cuts through.
  • Always clean up with water right away. Do not leave Spectrum in the gun, as it is nearly impossible to remove once it cures.
  • Do not get Spectrum on clothing or upholstery.
  • If you plan to save any of your Spectrum for later use, you must expose it to air as little as possible. Seal the bucket back up right away, and Spectrum can last a couple of months after being opened.


For more on the differences between Damplifier and Spectrum, check out our sound deadening spray vs mat article in The Owner's Manual.

Install Steps

step 1: clean surface

Step 1

Remove upholstery to expose the bare sheet metal. Ensure no debris, rust, or waxy oils. Clean surface with denatured alcohol. For plastic or high wax surfaces, also apply a primer.

step 2 - mask off

Step 2

Mask off areas you don't want to cover. We recommend the Second Skin spray gun and an air compressor with 50-80 psi, 5-6.5 cfm and a 6 gallon tank. You can also brush or roll on Spectrum.

step 3 - wait to dry

Step 3

Apply in 1mm layers. Wait 30-60 minutes between coats. Spectrum will change color from blue to black when it dries. If you can touch Spectrum with your finger without residue, you can add the next coat.