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Roof Insulation Kit

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Roof Kits - Damplifier Pro™ Deadening Mats & Heat Wave Pro™ Thermal Insulation (or upgrade to Mega Zorbe™)


The Second Skin Roof Kits combine exactly what you need to upgrade your car headliner insulation to perform in noise and temperature extremes. The Damplifier Pro™ sound deadening mats are 2mm of American made butyl rubber (NO ASPHALT!) and a thick, annealed foil. Heat Wave Pro is an excellent thermal insulator and average sound absorber. Mega Zorbe™, our hydrophobic melamine foam, is the best combination of sound and heat insulation material for vehicles and includes an easy self-adhesive backing. Either Roof Kit option will keep the sun out (or heat in) and save energy by reducing the workload of your car's air conditioner or heater.


Roof Kit Options

Heat Wave Pro™ Roof Kits

 Materials   Standard Roof Kit   Large Roof Kit   What is this for? 
 Damplifier Pro™   24 Sq Ft (15 sheets, 12" x 20" each, 2mm thick)   48 Sq Ft (29 sheets, 12" x 20" each, 2mm thick)   Apply to vibrating metal to stop structural noise 
 Heat Wave Pro™  24 Sq Ft (1 sheet, 6' x 4', 3/8" thick)   48 Sq Ft (2 sheets, 6' x 4', 3/8" thick)   Thermal insulation, decoupler, and reflective heat barrier 
 High Temp Spray Adhesive 

 1 can (16 oz) 

 2 cans (16 oz/ea)   Use to adhere to the Damplifier Pro™ 
 Foil Insulation Tape 

 1 roll (2" X 150') 

 1 roll (2" X 150')   Tape the seams 
 Wooden Hand Roller   1 roller   1 roller   Roll the Damplifier Pro™ to bond it to metal 


When is the Heat Wave Pro™ kit the best option? If your main focus is thermal protection – you don't need as much sound absorption – or if you have less than 1/2" of clearance, Damplifier Pro™ paired with Heat Wave Pro™ is the best option for you.


Damplifier Pro™ Install Guide

Heat Wave Pro™ Install Guide


 Mega Zorbe™ Roof Kits

 Materials   Standard Roof Kit   Large Roof Kit   What is this for? 
 Damplifier Pro™   24 Sq Ft (15 sheets, 12" x 20" each, 2mm thick)   48 Sq Ft (29 sheets, 12" x 20" each, 2mm thick)   Apply to vibrating metal to stop structural noise 
 Mega Zorbe™ (Peel & Stick)   24 Sq Ft (6 sheets, 2' x 2', 1/2" thick)   48 Sq Ft (12 sheets, 2' x 2', 1/2" thick)   Thermal insulation and more sound absorption 
 Wooden Hand Roller   1 roller   1 roller   Roll the Damplifier Pro™ to bond it to metal 


When is the Mega Zorbe™ kit the best option? If you need additional sound absorption and you have the 1/2" clearance to apply it, or maybe you love peel & stick products, Damplifier Pro™ paired with Mega Zorbe™ is the best option for you.


Damplifier Pro™ Install Guide

Mega Zorbe™ Install Video


Installation Instructions

Damplifier Pro™ should be applied directly to the metal above your headliner. For the ceiling, we recommend 100% coverage because Damplifier Pro™ is a good thermal insulator as well. Besides your goals for the level of thermal insulation, you should also consider how much clearance you have between your roof and the headliner. If you have less than 1/2 an inch, we recommend going with the Heat Wave Pro because the open cell structure of the Mega Zorbe™ works best when it has space.