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BlocknZorbe™ Multi-Purpose Sound Panels

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Covers 4.0 SF

BlocknZorbe™ Multi-Purpose Sound Panels

BlocknZorbe™ is our most versatile acoustical panel. We call it our "utility player" because it is an awesome solution for many projects that are more difficult to solve. Whether you need UV resistant, waterproof, durable, non-fibrous, or easy to clean, BlocknZorbe™ is that tough-minded friend you'll be glad is in your corner!



  • Semi-rigid, porous expanded polypropylene sound panels are the only acoustical panels to both BLOCK and ABSORB noise
  • Install directly on walls or ceilings
  • Water resistant, impact resistant, and tack-able
  • Use indoors or outdoors (Charcoal)
  • Temperature rated up to 230°F
  • R-value of 3.8 per inch
  • Class A Fire Rated
  • Lightweight and easy to clean
  • Proudly made in the USA 




 Dimensions   24" x 24" (24" x 48" via phone) 
 Thickness  1", 2" 
 Weight   1 lb (1"), 2 lbs (2")
 Edge Type   Square Edge 
 Colors   Charcoal (outdoor), White
 Paintable   Yes, spray light coats




 Spec Sheet   BlocknZorbe™ Product Sheet 
 Architect CSI Specs 

 BlocknZorbe™ Wall Panel CSI Spec  
 BlocknZorbe™ Ceiling Panel CSI Spec  

 Install Guides 

 BlocknZorbe™ Install Guide (Direct Attach) 
 BlocknZorbe™ Install Guide (P329 Spray Adhesive)
 BlocknZorbe™ Install Guide (Construction Adhesive) 




Material Testing

Noise Reduction Coefficient

 Frequency (Hz)  125   250   500   1000   2000   4000   NRC 
 1" BlocknZorbe™ Sound Panel   0.05   0.06   0.21   0.80   0.65   0.75   0.45 
 2" BlocknZorbe™ Sound Panel   0.07   0.21   0.81   0.85   0.93   0.88   0.70





Sound Transmission Loss

 Frequency (Hz)  125   250   500   1000   2000   4000   STC 
 1" BlocknZorbe™ Sound Panel   6   5   7   8   10   15   9 
 2" BlocknZorbe™ Sound Panel   9   8   10    10   17   22   13 







Installation Instructions

  • Recommended Installation: Mechanically fasten with screws
  • The easiest way to install BlocknZorbe™ sound panels is to screw them into drywall, wood, metal, or concrete. All screws should be at least 3/4" from the edge of the panel.
  • Our recommended adhesives can be used as an optional installation method
  • If field cuts are needed, use a table saw. Set blade to cut half the thickness of the BlocknZorbe™ acoustic material. (i.e. for a 2" thick panel, cut 1" and then flip the panel over and cut 1" again to complete the cut)
  • These steps can be found in the BlocknZorbe™ Install Guide (Direct Attach)

BlocknZorbe can also be installed with adhesive. We offer the P329 Spray Adhesive (BlocknZorbe™ Install Guide (P329 Spray Adhesive)) or adhesive can be bought locally (BlocknZorbe™ Install Guide (Construction Adhesive)).




Common Product Uses